A wise man once said that we are shaped by the people who surround us. Who wouldn't agree that this applies to music. So what would you expect from a band whose lead vocalist is a rapper influenced as much by the Beatles, Bob Dylan and Kanye West, and the band's singer/guitar player was influenced by Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin? The Echo Boom brings it all together - mixing mainstream sounds with old school jazz rock guitar, modern beats, girly acoustic guitar licks, brass melodies and so much more. The Echo Boom is from Takoma Park, Maryland (PG REPRESENT). Their album No Morning In Mind is now available on Itunes for download.
The Echo Boom's music is perfectly fit for that cool night on the town filled with good food, good friends, good dancing, and GREAT drinks. So as your driving through Baltimore, Washington DC, Annapolis, or just down Greenbelt Road, remember to bring their album as you cruise through the night.
The Echo Boom is:
en Martinez—Guitar, Vocals
Andrew Morisey—Vocals, Guitar
Ryan Martinez—Bass, Vocals
Will Whitney—Drums
Check them out on:
*I would like to than Eric Bowers for introducing me to The Echo Boom. I greatly appreciate it.
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