So I've taken a break to catch up on some summer rays and to refresh The Pulse's summer playlists, but today I thought I would bring you a little taste of what I call electronica bliss. The first time I saw Philippe Grenade-WIllis was at a show at Sonar in Baltimore. My best friend and I walked in and saw this crazy white guy running around in a purple I <3 NY t-shirt. Immediately, I wondered what I had gotten myself into. However, I quickly got into the groove and discovered that The Grenade was BUCK (aka awesomely crazy for those non Urban Dictionary savvy people).
This Brooklyn and Washington D.C. resident and member of the band The Drugstore Cowboys started his first solo project under the name The Grenade a few years back. If you are a fan of artists like Dan Deacon, DJ Tiesto, and Cut Copy, then you will definitely dig the "Night Terror" that The Grenade creates. His beats have been described by artists and fans as "screaming out of your Sega Genesis console" and "crashing your dad's 80's Porsche into your living room to stumble in and trip". The Grenade released his first EP Dinobots which is now available for download FREE on his Myspace . Last of all, don't forget to check out his live set at the Jammin Java in Vienna, Virginia on July 10th with Static Brigade, Young Enough, PJ The Viking, DJ Long Jawns, and more. Check out more from The Grenade at www.myspace.com/thegrenademusic
Peace Out. Keep It Ultra Radical.
-The Pulse
yay for good music and free downloads!